Monthly Archives: January 2018

The Library

The Library

A Listening Experiment


The Rules

Visitors are kindly reminded:
• Upon entrance to the ‘Library’ complete Silence will be Observed.
• Patrons may provide a yoga mat or similar upon which to sit or lie.
• Listeners may relax, close their eyes and entirely ignore performers.
• No Applause will be required between songs.
• Movement/dance though not encouraged is acceptable.
What is it?

An evening of Musical Entertainments:

with Performances by:

Sound artist Petri Huurinainen

vincent burke with faithful band

Rojhat gun

jonathan buckley

and Jawad Al-Nawab

The evenings entertainments will culminate in a performance of John Cages 4.33

followed by a Q and A and hot tea

Saturday evening, Jan. 27, 6-8pm at the Lido Pavilion
Arrive Promptly for Admission

‘The Library’ affords listeners the freedom not to talk, opening a space for genuine Listening.

‘The Library affords performers a space for presentations of uncompromised subtlety.