Tag Archives: Smooth FM

track 5: yellow guitar

Is it Summer yet?

well almost, and this song’s ready for you when it does arrive…

…doing the album was learning as I went, I kept adding things and then taking them off again because – in the end I hope this just sounds like someone singing to you late at night on the beach.

When I did my bit of travelling often people would wind up on a beach around a fire, and wherever I went they seemed to be playing the same handful of songs; so one of my tests for a good song is can you play it just with a guitar and a voice;  all the tunes on  this album can be sung that way and this one in particular is pretty good for it.

At first I didn’t rate it that highly because it came so quick, but straight away friends liked it,  and when I first played it live, a couple started kissing so I knew I was on to something, now I like it a lot, hope you do too …

here it is with the words :  https://vincentburke.bandcamp.com/track/yellow-guitar-3
